Why you need to create a WordPress template from scratch

All would-be website owners have access to standard WordPress themes. But not all of them are suitable for design. Therefore, some webmasters need a unique layout for design and functionality of the template.

The advantages of creating a new theme

  • Ability to distinguish themselves from competitors using standard WordPress templates;
  • Ability to use unique features, independently select the work items;
  • When working manually – saving money on hiring outside experts;
  • the use of different designs for each page of the site;
  • the possibility of finalizing or adjusting the theme;
  • Creating a child theme as a backup to roll back unnecessary changes.

How to create a theme for WordPress

To create a WordPress theme from an HTML template, you’ll need a basic knowledge of this programming language. The first thing to do is to download and install WordPress on your computer. You will also need any editor, such as Notepad++ or Notepad.

Next, you must find the directory wp-content\themes on the drive with WordPress, and create a new folder in it with the name of the future theme. This is also where the standard WordPress templates are stored.

Each theme necessarily contains two files: index.php and style.css, as well as the images folder with images for the template. To begin with, simply create these files, and then deal with filling them. File index.php can be written in a text editor, order a specialist or take a ready-made content from another topic.

For the template you need to upload a screenshot.png file with the desired extension of 1200×900 pixels into the folder with the theme. It can be any image that fits the specified format.

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